Improve search performance with Giftpro’s new SEO features

We’re only a few days into the new year but our freshly re-charged dev team are already starting to roll out some new features to help you continue to grow your gift voucher revenue in 2019 – starting with SEO.

We work closely with many of our clients’ digital agencies and a common request is the ability to adjust Giftpro store metadata. Every SEO strategy is unique, but most are tied into a wider approach that incorporates our clients’ main websites, so it makes total sense to give them (and their agencies) the features they need to complement their overall search plan.

There are now two main areas in Giftpro where metadata can be adjusted. The first is at the category level and the second is at the gift voucher level so here’s the low down on what that means…

At the category level

Categories are, in their own right, a great way to improve both the SEO of your store and the experience for users, so if you sell more than 4 or 5 gift vouchers it might be time to consider how your store is structured.

For example, if your hotel has a restaurant, a spa and bedrooms then categories are a no-brainer – you would nearly always have at least one category for each. The benefit for the user is obvious, but for search this essentially gives you 3 landing pages with your core keyword (i.e “Spa Gift Vouchers”) in the page title.

You should also use categories for seasonal campaigns like Black Friday, Mothers Day and Christmas. They take seconds to setup and can be scheduled to activate and de-activate automatically.

At the gift voucher level

Once you have your categories in order you’ll probably want to focus on your individual gift voucher pages, so much like the category pages we’ve added a few tools to help you tweak the metadata associated to each gift voucher and meet ‘best practices’ when it comes to SEO as a whole.

What should I do next?

  1. If you have an SEO or a digital agency fire them a link to this article and get them to advise.
  2. If you know what you’re doing, feel free to make some adjustments.
  3. If you’re unsure, don’t worry, we pre-populate all of the SEO fields automatically so you’re not missing out. These tools are for ‘power users’ and experts who have very specific needs, making changes won’t necessarily improve your search ranking.

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